Sunday, September 30, 2012

Started a blogging business

Well its been two years since my last post and well not much has changed still single, not living with my family anymore and got friends well sort of, when they text back that is. started a blogging business that im gonna give a month to and see what i can make of it, just need to get some leads out there and see where thing go.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wow almost a little over a year later comes another post

Wow if there was an android app for making blog posts id proly make a few more, but oh well, update its not been over a year with out the wife, and my love life sux, my work life sux's even more that life itself, honestly 3hrs a day 7 days a week, sitting in my car watching people going home from work! My son is growing to be an ever increasing little booger, and always has something interesting to say!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The new life, without the wife!

Well im living a new life it seems now, i can positively say that i dont have to worry about my now officially "well as official as pre-divorce can be". Single since she now has started a family that she can love and grow and doesnt have to worry about falling out of love on a whime, cause she was suffocating every other month, but loving every other month. I dont really care anymore she can love her new boyfriend that is now her new babydaddy, he's tribal now she not only has a new man, but also she has a free ticket into the tribal money, so she's set for life now!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

end of happiness

Today is the end of happiness, as the world goes to hell all i can wish is that it goes a little faster, and when the final judgement comes, that my son is raised to the heavens, and that i am left to rot on this plane of hell.

Today i have deleted my Myspace, my Facebook, and My myyearbook. I cant deal with pain and empty promises from people who have no further use in life, then to cause others momentary life, then un-ending pain.

If love to me was a word, it would not be found in my vocabulary because i dont want it in my life. The feeling has no place left in me.

i must try and keep my composure for my son. but my heart will return to its frozen state. I have not felt like this in years. This time i dont want it to thaw, that is my un ending wish!

Friday, September 18, 2009

I needs a college email address

Here's a sweet academic deal from Microsoft: Windows 7 is now available to college students for a mere $29.99 (originally $199.99). To qualify for this deal, you just need to be an enrolled student and have a valid college/university email address.

The offer ends January 3, 2010, at 12 A.M. CST, which should be plenty of time for even the worst procrastinators to jump on it. For more information, visit the Win 7 Web site.

Now this is quite unfair id love to get my hands on a cheap copy of windows 7 but i had just missed the dead line for the cheap pre-order, i like Vista and all but to have Vista running on Xp Reqs well that is all the better for me!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Divorce and feelings of loss and heartache

Just wondering how im going to feel once sarah and lucas have fully moved out, i know ill get to see him, but its gonna be weird coming home and there is no one to comfort me after a bad night, or playing with sarahs hair to help me fall asleep. Though its my fault that this has come to fruition, and yet i know it will happen, well is going to happen very soon, I just wish i had the power to stop it. Even though i did have the power to stop it and yet i still did nothing about it. i guess all i can hope is that it doesnt happen again, next time, if there is a next time!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wenatchee Day 2

Well yesterday was a fun filled event of driving all over the place chasing just behind the wife and getting bad directions, like goto this address, but not know the name of the place im actually going to. I got to meet some of sarahs old friends, wow travel half way across a state and ya feel like your in high school again, the boyfriend of her best friend lives in a place that looks like it fell out of the Ghostbuster's movie, built in the 30's has an ancient elevator with the wood door, and accordian door inside, very cool, will upload a pic of it to myspace, under a new section i'll be starting called Strange and Unusual.

We are going to have a picnic this morning, at a park. I'm letting someone else find this place.

Witchy- This town is a lot like a mix of historic Mcminnville, and the beautiful town of Salem. It could grown on me except i cant be a security guard for the state of washington, i owe student loans, which is Bullshit!